‘Grow, Learn, Achieve Together’

The School Day

Children in different stages of the school have slightly different school day timetables.  Please see the document below for further information.  We have a slightly staggered start to the day to ensure a calmer, quieter start for all children. 

For all children, we have a staggered arrival time of 8.45-8.55 with the register taken as the children arrive and lessons beginning. Children are engaged in learning as soon as they walk into the classroom.  

The end of the day is slightly staggered again to allow a calm ending to the day and lessen the number of children and parents in the playground. 

Nursery end the day at 3pm. 

Reception and KS1 at 3.10pm and KS2 at 3.15pm. 

We have chosen to have a staggered playtime to ensure that there are not so many children on the playground.  Years 1-2 will have a playtime at 10.30am - 10.45am and Years 3-6 will have a playtime from 10.55am - 11.10am. 

Again, we will have a staggered lunch break of 45 minutes to lessen the number of children in the playground at once and hopefully lessen the number of children bumping into each other and hurting themselves.  

The total hours of the school week are 32.5hrs for KS2 and 32 hrs and 5 minutes for Reception and KS1.  Our lunch break is less than an hour to fit in two sittings which means the time spent in lessons is higher.   

Livingstone Primary School

Valeside, Old Brow, Mossley OL5 0AP

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