School Uniform
From September 2023, uniform is compulsory for all children except those in Nursery. For Nursery children, it is not compulsory but it will save their clothes from being covered in paint, glue and mud!
The uniform consists of:
Green sweatshirt / cardigan with embroidered logo (available from school)
Gold polo shirt
Grey trousers / shorts / skirt / pinafore /green checked 'school dress'
Grey socks or tights
Black school shoes (not trainers)
The gold polo shirt and grey bottoms can be bought from any shop that stocks uniform - Tesco, Asda, Marks and Spencer, Debonair in Ashton and the School Wear shop in Greenfield as they are basic bits of uniform without logos. They are quite cheap. For example, three polo shirts are available from Tesco & cost around £4.00.
We stock the sweatshirt and cardigan ourselves. We will have a certain number in stock and you will be able to buy it from the office at cost price. This is £10.00 for a 24” to 34” sweatshirt and £11.75 for 36” and 38”. The cost for a cardigan from 24” to 34” is £10.80 and £12.30 for 36” and 38”. We will order at regular intervals to ensure that we have a stock of different sizes. A plain dark green sweatshirt or cardigan without logo is also acceptable.
We welcome donations of second hand uniform, these are listed on the School Spider app as free products that can be 'purchased' at no cost and will be sent home with your child.
Children do need to have a PE kit in school consisting of a change of t-shirt, shorts or leggings, a pair of pumps and a sweatshirt for outdoors PE. These should be provided from home and be in school every day. We do not have a specified PE uniform.