Technology is all around us and plays such a significant role in all our lives. From an early age children are using a variety of technology on a day to day basis. With this in mind we believe that it is important that our children are taught to embrace the use of technology.
At Livingstone our children use technology throughout the school from Nursery to year 6. Our curriculum is designed to help our children participate effectively and safely in our digital world.
Computing is taught as a standalone subject and is also embedded in other areas of the curriculum. It is used to support learning in other subjects that additionally reinforce key computing skills, enabling our children to become digitally literate and confident in their use of technology.
Throughout the school digital safety is of utmost importance and alongside taking part in the national E-Safety day and Project Evolve is used to feed online safety throughout the computing cuyrriculum.
Our aim is for the children at Livingstone to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
EYFS – Our children have the opportunity to explore many interactive games on the smartboards and have access to simple digital toys. From Reception they begin to explore using the laptops. Coding is introduced using codapillar and coding dinosaur to demonstrate simple inputs and outputs.
Key Stage One – Our children have weekly access to the laptops where they explore drawing programmes and begin word processing and simple presentation skills. We look at how technology is an integral part of our environment and world. In year 2 children are beginning to use the internet for research around the topic of dinosaurs. They are also introduced to simple data handling. Using and manipulating digital images is done via and coding skills introduced using Beebots.
Lower Key Stage Two – The curriculum continues to build on their presentation skills using PowerPoint and Word including skills such as using text boxes, inserting pictures and sounds, they are taught to save and retrieve their work effectively in their personal portfolios. In years 3 and 4 Children are introduced to new coding techniques using Scratch and Education City. Children have the opportunity to safely use the internet to research topics in other areas of the curriculum such as the stone age in year 3. Finally, in Year 4 we introduce manipulating images.
Upper Key Stage Two – In years 5 and 6 children are encouraged to refine their searches to find relevant and accurate information and independently use the internet safely. Previous word processing and presentation skills are built upon by also including sound files, hyperlinks, transitions and animations. These computing skills are used to enhance other topic areas such as the researching the Egyptians in year 5 and the Mayans in year 6.
An importance on mental health and kindness is instilled and children explore the dangers of cyberbullying and managing our digital lifestyles. Coding skills are progressed by the introduction of Micro bits.