History is the focus for at least one topic for each class in each topic cycle. In other topics, an element of history is also included if relevant. These topics are carefully planned to ensure that children develop their historical knowledge and enquiry across the year groups. ‘Key concepts’ are revisited across the topics, allowing children to make links and connections within various aspects of their learning. The historical key concepts stay the same throughout each year group but build on each other and become progressively harder. Each topic is introduced in the form of a question. Topic questions that are based on history include: 'Why was Samuel Peyps a significant person from history?', 'Who first lived in Britain?', 'Why were Norman castles certainly not bouncy?' and 'Can you walk like an Egyptian?'.
Children begin their history journey in EYFS, where they begin to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the world around them, beginning with the recent past. In KS1, they build upon their historical enquiry from EYFS and learn about: changes within living memory; use sources such as photographs, artefacts and eyewitness reports; historical events that are relevant to our school and environment. In KS2, children will learn about different periods of History as specified in the guidance of the National Curriculum. Children’s knowledge and skills are developed in each historical period through use of ‘key concepts’ as identified within our curriculum. KS2 learning is organised broadly chronologically, with some more difficult concepts being covered in the upper year groups. The European and British periods of history are organised chronologically so that children begin in Year 3 with the Stone Age, then learn about Ancient Greece, The Roman Empire, The Anglo Saxons and The Victorian Era.
History Topics:
What has changed since your grandparents were young?
Where do we live?
Who made our world a better one to live in?
Why was Samuel Pepys a significant person from history?
Why do we love to be by the seaside?
Who first lived in Britain?
How has Greece changed over time?
Why were the Romans so powerful?
Who were more successful the Anglo-Saxons or the Vikings?
Can you walk like an Egyptian?
Who were the Mayans and what did we learn from them?
Would you survive the Victorian workhouse?
Some useful websites/resources: