Sports Premium
The government is continuing to provide additional funding for the academic year 2024-25 to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is direct to schools to be spent with the following aims:
• Increasing participation rates in such activities as games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and athletics.
• Increasing participation and success in competitive school sports.
• Making the physical education curriculum more inclusive.
• Expanding the growth in the range of traditional and alternative sporting activities.
• Improving partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners.
• Finding links with other subjects that contribute to pupils’ overall achievement and their greater social, spiritual, moral and cultural skills.
Sports Premium Grant 2024-25:
For the financial year April 2024- March 2025 Livingstone Primary School has received £17,690 to improve the quality of PE and sport.
This funding will help develop a programme to include:
- High quality PE lessons
- Extra-curricular sports clubs
- Greater outdoor provision for all children in the school
- Subsidising the cost of the residential to allow more children to attend and experience a range of outdoor and adventurous sports.
- CPD opportunities for staff
- Top up swimming lessons for those that have not achieved the national curriculum expectations.