‘Grow, Learn, Achieve Together’


Who are we responsible to?

School governors are responsible to and must be prepared to explain their actions to anyone with a valid interest in the school. This includes parents, staff, pupils, the LA, Ofsted and the local community.

What do we do?

In all schools, the Governing Body should have a strong focus on three core stragtegic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. 

Our job is to be a critical friend to the school, both supporting the leadership to improve the school whilst also holding them to account.  We work with school leaders to hold the school to account for results, check on progress of current pupils, implement the school improvement plan and keep the school under review so that all our children have the best opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Our key objectives are:

• To set high standards for all children and clear targets for improvement 
• To agree policies, targets and priorities 
• To monitor and review aims and objectives and whether policies, targets and priorities are being achieved 
• To be a critical friend in this process by asking probing questions and through working with the head and the staff.

• To help the school be responsive to the needs of parents and the wider community.

As governors we support the work of the school but we do not get involved in its day to day running.

Who are we?

Simon Wilde (chair)

Dan Greenwood (vice-chair)

John Flint

Rebecca Willard

Emma MacDonald

Victoria Fish

Mary Howarth

Scott Davey

Chris Ingle

Amy Summers

Amy Leech


For more information on the Governing Body, please see the attached files at the bottom of the page. 

With the exception of the head teacher all governors serve a four-year term before they must stand for re-election.

The full governing body meets each half term on a Monday evening.


Finance Committee

Rebecca Willard

John Flint

Simon Wilde

Victoria Fish (chair)

Chris Ingle

In attendance: Jo Oxendale (School Business Manager)

Clerk to the Finance Committee: Lynne Dushko


The minutes of Governing Body meetings are a matter of public record.   Please ask at the front office if you wish to see them. 

Clerk to the Governing Body:

Tameside MBC

Joanne Rendell

Governor Support Service

PO Box 317

Ashton Under Lyne


How to make a complaint:

The school follows the LA’s procedures for consideration of complaints about the school curriculum and related matters. Initially, all concerns or complaints should be referred to the class teacher or Headteacher. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, please put it in writing to:

The Chair of Governors

Livingstone Primary School





Files to Download

Livingstone Primary School

Valeside, Old Brow, Mossley OL5 0AP

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